MOMENT Rescuers Form Human Chain To Save Boy in New Zealand (Original)

Touching and Dramatic MOMENT Rescuers Form Human Chain To Save Boy from the Sea in NZ: The father of a New Zealand boy pulled from powerful surf by brave locals who formed a human chain has thanked rescuers for saving his son's life. 12-year-old Joshua McQuoid was playing with two friends at a Napier beach when he was caught by a wave and dragged deeper into the water by a vice-like undertow. Vision shot by a young bystander showed frantic beach goers, led by a German tourist, and police officers trying desperately to pull the boy from heavy surf but with no success. Only after people linked arms to form a 12-strong human chain than held fast, were two police officers at the front able to grab the boy and throw him towards the shore. Joshua was inched clear of the break and carried to the beach unconscious before being revived with first aid. His father Shane McQuoid says Joshua is recovering physically but was still "shaken up" from the experience, which he'd told his dad was like being in a washing machine. Mr McQuoid told Radio New Zealand he was so thankful to "each and every person" who helped pull Joshua out alive.
Ndërtuan një zinxhir njerëzor në bregdetin e Zelandës së Re për të shpëtuar nga djalë që ishte rrëmbyer nga dallgët.12-vjeçari Jozueu MakKouoint u rrëmbye nga dallgët e mëdha ndërsa po luante në breg të detit me një shokun e tij paditën e të dielës.Një turist Gjermanë i cili u gjend aty në momentin e incidentit, nxitoi të ndihmonte pro nuk ia doli për shkak të fuqisë së dallgëve.Menjëherë ndërhyri policia për të shpëtuar djaloshin por edhe ata nuk ia dolën dhe kështu pushuesit vendosin pa humbur kohë të krijojnë një zinxhirë njerëzor me njëri-tjetrin. Fëmija për fatin e tij të mirë mundi t’i rezistoj dallgëve dhe pse qëndroi për më shumë se 40 sekonda nën ujë, por falë ndërhyrjes heroike të pushuesve mundi të shpëtoj.I ati i djalit Seik MakKouoint falënderoi të gjithë pushuesit që ndihmuan.

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